Planning & Strategy
Planning is like an accordion, where we open up ideas by brainstorming, discovering and exploring; then we sort, refine, narrow and finally - choose. At SWIM, we love the flurry of sticky notes that arise in brainstorming, but we’ve learned that choosing is what creates strategic clarity.
Phase 1: Discovering the context
Phase 2: Exploring and choosing our identity and direction
Phase 3: Exploring and identifying implementation implications
With our clients, strategic planning typically unfolds in 3 phases of exploring and choosing.
“We had an outstanding meaningful experience that moved our organization forward! The whole strategic planning process from top to bottom was amazing!”
Centering stakeholder engagement
Many organizations believe that to be seen as a credible leader they have to come to the table with a polished product. SWIM believes the act of involving stakeholders in the research and creation process gives a voice to people we often don’t hear, and builds trust. We design facilitation and learning experiences that bring people together to active change.
“The team at SWIM is easy to work with. They are forward thinkers, always looking for the best solution to your “problem”. They are flexible and honest and great partners to work with.”
Strengthening organizations through strategic planning
We see planning processes as a way to help your team develop new habits, skills and points of view; maybe even reinforce a cultural shift you’ve been working at for months.
With many clients we see departments that operate as silos. To contribute to change, SWIM designs planning processes to help to break down those silos. We find ways to help teams to connect and discuss projects, and find new ways to work together.
As we start the process we’ll ask you to identify changes created through your planning process. Along the way, we’ll also look for emergent opportunities during to support organizational change
Want to know more about our approach to strategic planning? Check out the 9 questions we ask to optimize strategic planning.
Ready to get started?
Schedule a free consultation.