This process meets NSR Questions 5 & 6 Appendix B 2 (p. 28), Appendix B 4 (pp. 30-31), Appendix B 6 and 7 (pp. 32-33), Appendix B 5.6 (p. 32) 5

A more equitable and effective response to food insecurity.

The SWIM team reviews data from: the Census and American Community Survey (ACS), Feeding America’s Map the Meal Gap, state and local governments, the food bank, and its network partners in your Service Area. Our assessment helps you target your efforts and prioritize actions where they are needed most, leading to a more equitable and effective response to food insecurity.

What does our assessment identify?

Areas of highest food insecurity levels defined by both number of people and rate within the overall population (need).

Geographic and racial/ethnic disparities in need and services provided (equity).

Counties in the Service Area where distribution is disproportionately lower relative to the food-insecure population (proportionality).


A closer look at the insights you will receive.

Share with your leadership team how our offerings

help you reach Feeding America’s new requirements.

Ready to get started?

Schedule a free consultation.