Who Is SWIM?
Contributor: Jenna Hoover
As a college student, I have had the opportunity to learn a lot, but I’m trying to figure out how to apply that learning in the real world. Getting the job at See What I Mean has felt like jumping into the deep end of learning how to apply those lessons.
I was excited, optimistic, but mostly nervous, as many are for a new position. However, on my first day, the nerves faded away as I was immediately respected as a co-creator and not overlooked as “just a student”. From being a part of the See What I Mean team, I have been able to gather takeaways I will continue to use throughout my career such as the willingness to learn more and change how we learn, having humility in self-reflection, and the power of co-creation.
How We Learn:
Although I understand the value of learning and that learning is an investment in yourself, See What I Mean has helped me realize we often don’t reflect on how or what we learned. So, I challenged myself to change the way I learn. I started with an analysis; what am I currently learning?
What do I need to focus on?
Which learning tasks should take priority?
How much time do I spend on learning about each topic?
Once I analyzed what I’m learning, I stepped back to understand how I should approach these learning targets. See What I Mean is about creating tools that can help you visually see what you are trying to learn and track progress towards that learning goal. This way of learning is technical, efficient, and effective, but also allows for flexibility and iteration. I also observed the importance of listening; listening to yourself in self-reflection and listening to others through collaboration. When you put these together, learning becomes much more than a personal transformation, but more of a collective transformation through learning, reflection, and action.
I often put off self-reflection. I use common excuses such as, I’m in school, I’m busy, or I don’t need to right now. I’ve quickly learned that we always have time for self-reflection, and it should be a priority for you, your organization, and everyone. Self-reflection is more than acknowledging what you have done, it is holding yourself accountable, recognizing and upholding your values, and having humility in what you need to work on. When learning about self-reflection, I’ve seen the importance and priority of reflecting upon upholding the mission, values, and equity.
See What I Mean practices self-reflection through: Intentional learning agendas; Continuous conversation about equity; and a practice of Completion that asks participants in real-time what they are disappointed with in the engagement or meeting, pleased with in the engagement or meeting and any acknowledgments they want to provide.
“Self-reflection is more than acknowledging what you have done, it is holding yourself accountable, recognizing and upholding your values, and having humility in what you need to work on. ”
After observing how the See What I Mean team works, I admire their value and commitment to the co-creating process. Problems many of us face are often unique, diverse, and complex. Because of this, See What I Mean provides a set of tools for organizations to follow, but takes it a step further and works together with clients locally to adapt the plan to their problems and the community being served. With co-creating being at the forefront of the operation, you’re able to have multiple viewpoints, ideas, and ultimately better understand and help the direct community. I have been able to see the impact co-creation has on the community, but also with myself. From the collaborative work environment, I’ve had the opportunity to learn in more meaningful ways, I’m constantly energized, and confident that I already possess the tools to make a positive impact in my community, not after I graduate, but right now.
I’ve been a part of the See What I Mean Team for about a month and in such a short time I have learned so much about how to be a better student, worker, and neighbor to my community. I have been challenged, inspired, and motivated. So, if you asked me who is See What I Mean? I would tell you this; See What I Mean is a mindset, the willingness to challenge your values, the work, and how you do the work. A place of collaboration, ambition, and drive to make a meaningful impact on the world.
“See What I Mean is about creating tools that can help you visually see what you are trying to learn and track progress towards that learning goal.”
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