Planning During Disruption 2.0


See What I Mean's Planning During Disruption tool has received an upgrade over the past few weeks. As new and existing clients continued to use the tool, we recognized some patterns in the challenges they are facing in naming and prioritizing the changes being driven by the disruption of COVID 19. The updated version is based on the model seen below, and is a great starting point to thinking about continuing to make progress while you Lead During Disruption. 

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Even during disruption, we have the opportunity to act with intention. Use this model to consider the long-term effects, opportunities and side effects of today’s choices.


Disruption can derail our organizations. It can overwhelm our ability to think about the future. It can cast a shadow over strategic plans and planning processes underway.  It can also present new ways for us to think about the future, clarify our choices and assess our current practices. 

  • Choices: When confronted with a disruption make choices and prioritize. 

  • Accelerate strategies and tactics that are more important now.

  • Sustain and protect strategies and values that are necessary core but could risk being ignored.

  • Reduce (pause) or release strategies, beliefs and practices that inhibit the organization from achieving its goals. 


Seize emergent opportunities to reach goals in new ways. Emergent Opportunities may present themselves during disruption. Whether it is new partners, new program models, or new sources of revenue, it is important to recognize these opportunities for their potential to help you achieve your long term goals more quickly or more effectively.  Not all emergent opportunities should be pursued.  Determine criteria (values, resources, side effects) before choosing new opportunities.

Need help with planning, strategy or implementation? Let the team at See What I Mean help your team implement Planning During Disruption 2.0. Schedule a Discovery Call below.

Upcoming Webinar: Progress During Disruption - June 2, 2020 11am CT

Even during disruption, we have the opportunity to act with intention.

Join us for Progress During Disruption, where we will use the Planning During Disruption 2.0 model to give an overview of how you might consider the long-term effects, opportunities and side effects of today’s choices.

We will share how See What I Mean is helping companies and organizations reflect on how the actions they are taking during the disruption of COVID-19 can have a positive impact on their future vision and goals.

This event is FREE and seating is limited…you don’t want to miss it!! Register TODAY!!