A Five Year Strategy Towards Equity

See What I Mean, in partnership with SWIM Collaborator Sharina Sallis, spent 2021 working with the Iowa Council of Foundations (ICOF) and 27 Iowa grantmakers in a cohort designed to advance racial equity in Iowa.  Along the way we learned a lot about network leadership! This blog will give a glimpse to the way network hubs can help guide network members to the adoption of important practices like racial equity.

We’ve heard again and again that advancing racial equity in an organization is a journey.  We agree.  But, what’s that really mean in practice? At the Iowa Council of Foundations, it meant a great deal of intentionality and a five year time frame.

Beginning in 2017 with the launch of the ICoF Foundation Openness Cohort, members have been on a journey together. Over five years, they participated in offerings that provide a foundation to advance racial equity, including openness, transparency, racial justice, trust-building, and power-sharing.  

At the same time, ICoF strengthened its internal capacity by investing in its own racial equity learning and change. Below is a snapshot of their 5-year journey, which you can review in more detail in the full report.

We’ve been grateful to partner and learn with the ICoF as they design a journey for their members. When you look back five years, what journey have you been designing for your members? In the next five years, what’s a meaningful journey for your members, and more importantly the causes they serve? 

We love to help leaders assess the readiness of their network and create long term strategies for change.

Stacy Van GorpComment