Network Series: Introduction

Week-by-week, the See What I Mean team will be sharing all there is to know about networks; including the many lessons we’ve learned to build stronger and more connected groups. Each week we’ll be exploring the Six Practices of Effective Network Leadership e-book chapter-by-chapter. You’ll have the opportunity to watch a short video and read our blog discussing how we have assessed the strength of these practices, the lessons learned along the way and our best tips for implementing the practices. 

Six Practices of Effective Network Leadership, an Introduction:

In our time deeply engaging with some of the largest nonprofit networks, small networks, and emerging networks in the country, we identified 6 underdeveloped practices that can help build network effectiveness and be markers to assess and maintain network health. Weaknesses in these practices are often overlooked and grow to become major barriers to achieving a network’s mission. The act of recognizing weakness in these areas, and choosing to focus on development, can be the catalyst for great movement towards the mission. Through an intentional review of where a network currently has gaps, and transparent work to develop these practices, networks have the opportunity to strengthen the bond between network organizations and build trusting partnerships with a shared mission, vision and values.

Tune in each week on Facebook and LinkedIn for the latest lessons learned on Network Leadership and watch SWIM Partners, Stacy Van Gorp and Jordan Vernoy discuss the Six Practices below.

Don’t forget to like us on social media to keep up with the each week’s chapter release and make sure to describe to our monthly newsletter to keep up with the bestSWIM has to offer:

Download  “Moving from Theory to Action: Six Practices of Effective Network Leadership” in advance and begin learning today or book a free consultation session to discuss how SWIM can support your mission.

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