Posts in Leadership
You’re Not the Boss of Me! 5 Secrets of Leading Networks Without Authority

Sometimes network structures are mistaken for associations or federations. Some shrug off the confusion, “What’s the difference...and who cares!” they might say. Isn’t “network” just another word for “organization”? Networks are hugely different from traditional organizations and the differences are enormously important to how well and powerfully we can work with others to accelerate and magnify important work. In my experience there are 5 “secrets” for how to enjoy a network experience and optimize the power of a great network while also taking pleasure in nobody “being the boss of me.”

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Virtual Onboarding Made Easy

As a fully remote employee and as the newest member of the SWIM team, I have experienced virtual interviews, onboarding and the strange feeling of starting a job without ever having stepped foot in the office or shaking my bosses hand. In March of 2020, companies were forced to adapt and for the last year and a half millions of people have gone through virtual orientations and onboarding sessions. As we all continue to adjust to new realities and as the workforce experiences a great resignation, now is the time for your organization to evaluate and improve your virtual onboarding.

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