It’s that time of year when the “new year new me” momentum is fading. We begin to forget our resolutions, move slower, and our productivity almost feels nonexistent. Whether it's our personal goals or work tasks, maintaining productivity can be difficult. In our See What I Mean team meeting, we took the time to share tips, tricks, or moments that have helped us stay productive and energized at work.
Read MoreAs the new year approaches, we and many others are beginning to embrace a new meeting style, hybrid meetings. For those of us who have been craving in-person interaction, hybrid meetings offer an opportunity for us to come together. They are an inclusive option demonstrating flexibility and often more attendance. Hybrid meetings are hard… in theory, they are great; but without the right tools, preparation and strategies they can be a recipe for disaster.
Read MoreEngaging voices from the field is a critical piece of any network leader’s work. At See What I Mean, we advocate establishing a clear feedback loop. The earlier in the process, the better. Too often, network leaders think of a feedback loop as following three steps: Ask → Analyze → Demonstrate. This approach misses a critical step in a transparent feedback loop: Ask → Analyze → Share back → Demonstrate.
Read MoreIt will come as no big surprise that complex networks of various sizes, demographics, purposes and needs do not fit a one-sized approach. You’ve heard this advice throughout your career and as a network leader, you’ve seen it in play. While we inherently know that one-size-fits-all solutions do not work, we struggle to understand the best ways to segment our networks.
Read MoreSometimes network structures are mistaken for associations or federations. Some shrug off the confusion, “What’s the difference...and who cares!” they might say. Isn’t “network” just another word for “organization”? Networks are hugely different from traditional organizations and the differences are enormously important to how well and powerfully we can work with others to accelerate and magnify important work. In my experience there are 5 “secrets” for how to enjoy a network experience and optimize the power of a great network while also taking pleasure in nobody “being the boss of me.”
Read MoreWeek-by-week, the See What I Mean team will be sharing all there is to know about networks; including the many lessons we’ve learned to build stronger and more connected groups. Watch SWIM Partners, Stacy Van Gorp and Jordan Vernoy discuss the Six Practices of Effective Network Leadership — what is it and why you need it.
Read MoreAfter periods of disruption organizations are ready to question their default settings in order to align their values with their actions. Learn how you can question those autopilot activities to better your mission.
Read MoreAs a fully remote employee and as the newest member of the SWIM team, I have experienced virtual interviews, onboarding and the strange feeling of starting a job without ever having stepped foot in the office or shaking my bosses hand. In March of 2020, companies were forced to adapt and for the last year and a half millions of people have gone through virtual orientations and onboarding sessions. As we all continue to adjust to new realities and as the workforce experiences a great resignation, now is the time for your organization to evaluate and improve your virtual onboarding.
Read MoreI don’t like Icebreakers. You know, the “fun” activity at the beginning of a meeting when someone throws me a beach ball and I answer a random question about myself. No thank you. While I appreciate the energy and creativity that often go into these well-intentioned activities, I hope the meeting’s purpose is strong and important enough that spending 30 minutes hearing what animal people think is most like them is not really worth the time. If the meeting’s purpose is not that important, maybe it could have been an email.
However, and this is a big however, I do believe in the importance of a relational opener to a meeting. A relational opener is something to place us in the room, or the zoom, that centers us on our work together….
Read MoreAs we adjust to a “new normal” of hybrid work - and even before the COVID-19 pandemic made this the reality - it is far too easy to fall into a hyper-packed schedule. Before putting your foot on the accelerator, use this tool to more efficiently and productively use your time.
Read MoreThe planning process rarely begins with a clear path. We aim for simplicity, and yet the complexity builds as we consider the culture and context of our organizations and stakeholder needs. It’s helpful to have a consultant team as a guide on this journey, to bring you to the other side of complexity.
Read MoreNational and state nonprofits and associations strive to serve their members. Yet we see many of our ‘helping hub’ clients struggle with common concerns. Here’s how our approach can help shift organizational cultures and meet the true needs of their networks.
Read MoreTaking time to understand how the dimensions of time and relationships factor into the feedback phase of a project will help leaders generate the strongest insights.
Read MoreThanks to a recent client I’ve spent a couple of months reading and thinking about a slim 2020 publication: “The Flat Org Chart” by Dan Pallotta. I have found this publication to be fascinating and provocative and it turns upside-down the social sector’s assumptions about “doing good” and achieving equity!
Read MoreIn 2021, my goal is to improve my personal wellness, which begins with prioritizing my work-life balance. Here are four tips I’ve implemented in my workday as I work to achieve my 2021 goal.
Read MoreIt is revealing that in every network assessment we have completed at See What I Mean, we hear the same sentiment from members - with me, not to me. In other words, be my partner not my boss. However, it shouldn’t be all that surprising.
Read MoreHeadline after headline of 2020 focuses on the collapse of trust - in elections, in news, in healthcare, in data, in experts, and in one another. It’s heartbreaking. It’s also a cause for change. Over the last 10 years we’ve been researching trust and helping people put it into action.
Read MoreWe live in a visual world and we are designed to learn visually, but we keep teaching in ways where information is overloaded and visuals are disregarded. By using visuals to deepen our learning we form stronger connections with our ideas. Visually learning helps us understand the relationship between concepts and helps us stay connected. If you are looking to enhance how you use visuals in your meetings and work, I encourage you to set a similar goal by focusing on your visual thinking.
Read MoreIn the past few weeks, all of us at SWIM have been wavering between emotions. Emotions ranging the gamut from fear and sadness to hope and excitement for the future. In this week where we celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Inauguration of the 46th president of the United State of America, Joe Biden, hope and excitement are rising to the top. However, there is a lot of work ahead.
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